Thursday, January 26, 2023




2015/06/05 来源:手机腾讯网

71. When Saturn and Mars behold each other, and the Luminaries be posited in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth houses, the Native shall labour under some incurable disease and lead a life wholly miserable.

Goodbye mess. Hello harmony.

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72. When the Moon is in the Mid-heaven in Capricorn, and Saturn or Mars in the fourth, the Native will be infamous, and so much the worse if Mars be in Taurus, and the Moon in Scorpio, for then many troubles will attend him during his whole life.



73. When Venus is with Saturn and Mars, and in opposition to the place of the Moon, the Native shall be but a fool, yet think himself a Philosopher.




74. For the profession or Art of the Native we must consider the Planet which being Oriental first makes its egress from under the Sun beams, and if with this there be another in the Mid-heaven that beholds the Moon, take him for an Assistant, but if there be no such Planet coming from under the Sun beams take him that is in the mid-heaven, and if there be non therein posited then the Lord of it, and the places of Mars, Venus, and Mercury, but when these happen to be many, the Native will

practice several Arts; now the Art a Native practices is much affected by the series of revolutions, which is they agree with his Nativity, he will be delighted with it; otherwise he will do it against his will.



75. A prime cause of men leading single lives is the combustion of the Moon in their Nativities with Saturn, or eminently afflicted by him, so in women if a Planet be combust or the Sun in Taurus greatly afflicted.




76. Mars and Mercury evilly disposed, and in conjunction with the Moon, signifies Thieves and Robbers, but if Saturn behold them, or be in the Seventh, they will suffer according to their deserts, and therefore whenever you see indications of grievous crimes, consider whether the Infortunes are strong or not, and oppress the Sun, Moon, or Lord of the Ascendant; or if the Lord of the Ascendant be combust, or in an enemy to the Moon, for then undoubtedly the Native will suffer for his Villainy.




77. When the Moon is joined to Saturn in an Angle, the Native though a grandee will be reduced to poverty.



78. Let him that has Mars in the second house beware of concerning himself in merchandise.



79. He that hath a Nativity unfortunate for riches and honour, and yet the Moon in conjunction with an eminent propitious fixed star, shall unexpectedly become potent, and again fall to misery, but to judge of the greatness of the event consider the state of the Moon.



80. When Venus is in the eleventh, Mercury in the twelfth, the Sun in the horoscope, Jupiter in the second, Saturn in the sixth and the Moon in the ninth, so many and great accidents will happen to he Native that his life may justly be esteemed prodigious.



81. Saturn, Mars and the Dragon’s Head in the fourth, betokens sudden death.



82. When the Moon in a nocturnal Geniture passes by her beams form Mars to Saturn, many inconveniences will happen to he Native, chiefly associated with women.



83. Those persons are like to prove very learned in whose Nativities Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, do exactly behold Mercury, provided that neither Saturn nor the moon be posited in the Ascendant, and that there be no planet in an angle, for any planet strong in an Angle is an impediment to wisdom.




84. When the Sun peregrine in “Corde Coeli”shall be in square of the Moon in the Seventh, the Native will come to be the chief of his family or faction, but shall die suddenly.


注:Anton Grigoryev 对此条这样评论:卡丹写下这条论断时,使用的是一种特殊的宫位制:等宫制。这样的话,中天不一定合10宫头。在Seven Segments里面,卡丹称中天为Corde Coeli,即天堂的中心(Corde cor的一种变体)。Seven Segments的盘中,10宫头是天蝎座17度,而中天是射手6度。后面,卡丹换用了Regiomontanus宫位制。

85. In all Nativities examine exactly all the Moon’s conditions in relations to the three ways whereby she is exalted for ‘tis very necessary.



86. When Infortunes are in Angles and Fortunes in Succedent houses, or the Moon combust, and the Lord of her place strong and happy, or Jupiter Cadent and his disposition well dignified: the Native from a sad mean condition and great misery shall rise to a considerable grandeur and felicity, and so on the contrary.


注:前半句想要表达宫位在一生中都是向前移动的意思。后半句则是关于定位星。John Frawley说过“Situation is bad, but sooner or later someone will come along to help you out of it”(无论情况有多坏,迟早会有人来帮助你改变困窘的局面)

87. When the Moon Venus and Mars are altogether in conjunction, ‘tis a fit time to bring Neros and such cursed monsters of mankind into the world: the Native’s manners are prodigiously wicked.



88. Jupiter elevated and a little infortunated, destroys the natives children but preserves his estate: if he be descending and low and not unfortunate, he gives children but not an estate.



89. When Saturn does not threaten a violent death, yet if he be in, or lord of the seventh or eighth houses he signifies the Native shall die from Grief of the mind.

当土星不成为暴毙的因素时,如果其位于第7宫,或是7宫或8宫的宫主星,代表盘主将会死于内心的忧伤(Grief of the mind)。

注:内心的忧伤(Grief of the mind)可以解释为忧郁症或自愿选择的独身。两者都是由土星造成的(7宫永久弱势)。

90. Infortunes peregrine in the seventh house, having dominions in the Ascendant, denotes the deaths of the Native’s wives or enemies.



Anton Grigoryev举了Elizabeth I的例子,例盘摘自Lily Prophetical Merlin

91. It is next to impossible that they that have never a planet above the earth, nor in the Ascendant of their nativities should either live long or accomplish any great matters in the world.



92. The number of a Native’s wives (where only one at once is lawful) is to be found out not only from the Concourse of the planets or Common sighs, but with that you must consider that fit applications of the Moon to planets at ripe years and testimonies of the Death of Wives do also concur.



93. When Mars or Mercury afflict the Lord of the Seventh, being elevated above him, the Native will kiss his wife or his enemy, even though it be wit poison, especially if either of them have power in the Ascendant.



94. In a woman’s Nativity Mars shall be under the Sun’s Beams, shall will be apt to play the Harlot with her servants and mean fellows but if Venus be true, then she will trade discreetly with Nobles and gallants of quality.



95. Infortunes afflicting the place of children, if they be but a little weak, the Native may have children, if much debilitated, the children he has will die, if they be very weak he be wholly barren.



96. When the Lord of the Geniture is an Infortune and does not behold the place of children, or being a fortune beholds them with an aspect of hatred, the native will never love his children as he ought to do.



97. When Mercury is under the earth he has greater efficacy in relation to giving Arts and Sciences, but in

respect of eloquence he is best when he is above the earth.



98. When Mars is exactly on the cusp the Mid-heaven and has no dominion in the Ascendant if the Native live to any considerable age, ‘tis much to be feared that he will be killed.



99. When it happens that the Significators of persons of quality well posited in their own genitures, are such as were unfortunate in the Nativities of their Parents, it signifies that they shall spin out a laborious life as to riches and honours to a considerable age, and then by successive increases, shall attain to

great Estates and Eminence, whence ‘tis evident that the lives of no persons may be more unlikely to each other, than theirs who were born at the same time.



100. Nativities that can never be good, are such as have both the infortunes in the same place joined to one of the Luminaries, or when infortunes single are singly joined to the Luminaries, or when the Moon is under sun beams with Saturn or Mars, or where all the planets are in the third, sixth, eighth houses; or when the infortunes are in Angles, and the Luminaries and Fortunes cadent, or

when the Luminaries only are cadent and all the other planets Retrograde or when both Luminaries and both Fortunes are afflicted, or when only Mars in above the earth the other planets not being mutually joined nor in Angles.




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